Monday, February 1, 2016

#BHM2016: Saul Williams

For the next 29 days you're going to be reminded that it's Black History Month. You will get short history lessons of Harriet Tubman on multiple social media channels, you'll see Google sharing historic facts on its Google Doodle page, and you'll probably hear an impromptu poem dedicated to a prominent Black American figure read by an up and coming poetry slam artist. 

But what about the people who are making an impact in Black American culture today? Take a look at Saul Stacey Williams - an American rapper, singer-songwriter, musician, poet, writer and actor. 

It's also safe to add social activism to Williams' resume, which you can hear in his new album MartyrLoserKing. His lyrics highlights global social injustice and inequality, which he blends past and present historic events in one melting pot.

"In my project, MartyrLoserKing is the screen name of a hacker living in Burundi, who becomes sort of a virtual phenomenon — kind of like a virtual Banksy — until he is labeled as a terrorist," Williams explained during an interview with NPR's Rachel Martin. "The idea for the title came about when I was living in Paris and hearing Francophone people mispronounce 'Martin Luther King.' I went home and reflected on it and was like, 'That's brilliant.' "

Williams recently spoke with in a video interview and shared what inspired his latest work. It doesn't take too long to realize that Williams is definitely a prominent figure who should also be tapped for Black History, and not just for the month of February. 

Take a listen:

Want to find out more about Saul Williams? Visit 

Who would you like to see featured for BHM? Send your suggestions to 

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