Thursday, December 31, 2015

Top 10 Posts Readers Loved in 2015

(Remember this? This was the old banner for Artz of Culturez)

As you can see Artz of Culturez went through several minor changes in 2015. First, I got rid of the blogspot extension. Then I swapped the letter ’s’ to the letter ‘z.’ I also posted an armature head shot of myself on the home page so you can put a face to the ideas that fill up the pages of the blog.

Some of the new ideas include, Artz of Culturez TV, Diggin’ in the Crates, and Empty-Nest Chronicles. However, I couldn’t help but notice that when I created the Money Culture tab and filled it with personal finance postings for Money Method Mondays, the page views went though the roof. Turns out readers want to know more about how to handle their finances.

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Big Chop in Corporate America

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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

NYT Opens Pandora's Box to Race in America

The New York Times is running an Op-Docs series featuring personal stories around race. Individuals give viewers a deeper look at how racial issues in America effects them directly.

The latest installment, A Conversation With Black Women on Race by Joe Brewster and Michele Stephenson, is bound to pull on the heartstrings of any woman of color. It definitely tugged at mine especially when one of the storytellers tried to explain the internal racism that takes place within the Black community. Her story immediately triggered several memories of when I was called a racial slur by someone who had the same color skin and hair texture as me.
"Why do you speak like a white person, don't you know you ain't nothin' but a nigga?" 
As I write this blog post, I recall every moment when my mother told me, as a young child:
"You are black, ugly and that your nose is too big."
These are the internal racial tensions that the storyteller talked about, which plagues Black America everyday.

Until we work on ourselves, educate our children, inform our neighbors and individuals from other backgrounds, we will continue to have these issues. I applaud The New York Times for taking on this project, and I hope that these stories will resonate through the masses.

Watch and listen:

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