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Monday, April 14, 2014

Motivational Monday:
10 Ways to Feel Miserable as an Artist

I came across this list as I scrolled for inspirational quotes in my social media news feeds. It's been shared with my twitter followers and I sent it along to close friends who are fighting with some of these topics. Are you guilty of doing any of the following?

1. Constantly compare yourself to other artists.

2. Talk to your family about what you do and expect them to cheer you on.

3. Base the success of your entire career on one project.

4. Stick with what you know.

5. Undervalue your expertise.

6. Let money dictate what you do.

7. Bow to societal pressures.

8. Only do work that your family would love.

9. Do whatever the client/customer/gallery owner/patron/investor/ asks.

10. Set unachievable/overwhelming goals to be accomplished by tomorrow.

Bottom-line, it’s time to take charge of where you want your art career to go.

  • Are you ready to get your work into art galleries/art shows?
  • What new techniques have you tried?
  • What books are you reading to educate yourself on different genres of art?
  • Are you networking? Volunteering?
  • What steps are you taking to achieve success as an artist?  

Let’s discuss over twitter @TCsViews or shoot me an e-mail at

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